ARPS Statement of Intent
16th June 2010 - Shirley Hollis
The Intimate Forest.
Within a 10 mile radius of my home there are several areas of forest and woodland which have become favourite spots for walks, rest, relaxation and above all a source of photographic inspiration. My intention in this panel is to express something of the way I see the forest as it changes throughout the year and is an exploration into the shapes, colours and textures of woodland areas throughout the seasons. The use of various blurring techniques has emphasized the muted colours and effect of sunlight in spring and summer, the stark outline of the forest trees in winter snow and finally the subtle changes in colour and texture as autumn approaches. The final result is a panel which can be viewed as whole, in sections or as individual images, each of which reveals a different aspect of the forest as I see it.
The statement of intent refers to a 10 mile radius of my home, this was written whilst living in Bedfordshire and before my move to South Yorkshire.
The full sized images can be seen by clicking on the thumbnail, however these were printed and the jpg may not truly represent the quality of the print.